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Unique limited edition wall art, excellent for decoration of man cave.

You will find on Man cave page photographies of Whiskey, Bourbon, Old Fashioned, Martinis, Negroni, Sazerac, Manhattan, Caipiroska / Caipirihna

Click on Man Cave button to check them out

Picture of Martini and Old Fashioned cocktail, on wall of Man cave, bar decor. Quique Photography

Unique wall decor for your Bar decor: 

You will find photographies of Wines, Whiskey, Bourbon, Old Fashioned, Martinis, Negroni, Sazerac, Manhattan, Caipiroska / Caipirihna, Margarita, Tequila

Click on Bar decor button to check them out

Pictures of White Wine and Red Wine pouring on glasses. Beautiful bar decor. Quique Photography

Unique wall art for your dining decoration. Limited edition photographies printed in metal.

In the Dining room page you will find photographies of Wines, Coffee, Ice Cream, Series of Ice Cubes with fruits and vegetables inside, etc. 

Click on Dining button to check them out

Photography of Red wine being pouring on a glass, and Italian pasta on a bowl. Beauty dining decor, or kitchen decor wall art. Quique Photography

Unique wall art for your kitchen decor. Limited edition photographies printed in metal.

In the Kitchen decor page you will find photographies of Wines, Coffee, Ice Cream, Series of Ice Cubes with fruits and vegetables inside, etc. 

Click on Kitchen button to check them out

Picture wall art about pouring coffee into a cup, and hot water from a tea pot into another cup. Excellent kitchen decor, coffee station, tea station. Quique Photography

Not usually seen artwork for your bedroom decoration. Limited edition photographies printed in metal.

In the Bedroom page you will find photographies of the moon, Ice cubes with flowers inside, or unique Mix media Artworks. 

Click on Bedroom button to check them out

Two sets of pictures of candles in a bedroom wall decor. Quique Photography

Beautiful and clever artwork for your coffee station decoration. Limited edition photographies printed in metal.

In the Coffee Station page you will find photographies of the Coffee and Tea as well of unique Mix media Artworks. 

Click on Coffee button to check them out

Two sets of photographies about pouring coffee into cups. Excellent wall art on a coffee station. Quique Photography

Beautiful photographies for your Bathroom. Limited edition photographies printed in metal.

In the Bathroom page you will find photographies on metal of ice cubes with flowers inside them. There are much more artworks coming up for this page.

Click on Bathroom button to check them out

Photos of two purple roses inside clear ice cubes, on a bath decor. Quique Photography

Clever and unique wall art for your living room decor. Limited edition photos printed in metal.

In the Living page you will find pictures printed on metal of very clever artworks, like mix medias wall art.

Click on Living button to check them out

Set of 4 pictures of letters made with a rope. all pictures are connected by a real top. Living decor, bedroom decor. Quique Photography

Quique Photography

Unique Limited Edition Wall Art for Bar decor, Man cave, Kitchen decor and Coffee Station

Dynamic photographies printed in metal.  Sets of two pictures showing a movement from one picture to the next one. Website is organized by rooms: Check below or on top menu to find the room you want to decorate with our unique Art pieces.

Bar decor, Kitchen decor, Man cave, Coffee Station, wall art

Bar decor, coffee station, kitchen decor

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